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Translation:That Trump sees himself as brexiteer and encourages anti European populism, is a rupture with all that post WWII USA has as values. Van Baar is quite right, Trump wants good relations with Russia, this does not fit in with EU expansion plans, the Ukraine association, an association with a military paragraph. European queen Merkel sees her chance to improve her position, as she says the USA no longer supports us, thus we need a stronger Europe, with Merkel as emperor. Luckily NATO is nothing without the USA military might, and European tax payers in general do not see the need for high military expenses. Feel we are only scratching the surface of the Clintons still. If the internet and alt media had been better established I doubt even slick Willie could have been elected in 92.

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To her, the occupation was a symbol more than a community. When we walked by the camp later that night she seemed surprised: They have tents now?Almost everyone you meet in the park will tell you some variation of one thing. They arent doing this for 2012, they dont want to go to Washington, they dont care what Congress or The New York Times or Bill Maher or Kanye West thinks of them. They arent trying to provide a voice for the voiceless. They are doing it for themselves, and they speak for no one but themselves. They are the 99 percent; so am I, so are you. Make your own demands if you want to. Late one night, I met a woman named Elisa Miller at the Occupy Library. It was 2 a. m. , and people were still up talking, a group of four Hasidic Jews sitting on the broad steps of the parks shallow stone bowl, singing quiet Hebrew harmony around a soft guitar.

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You will be accomplishing more with your life. Credit card debt carries the highest interest rates of almost any debt. Many people have a number of major credit cards and a dozen or more store credit cards. Some can hardly keep track of all their payments. The average person carries high interest credit card debts of $5,000, $10,000 and even more. No wonder they are falling behind in their payments. Credit card debt can cost the average family hundreds of dollars a month in excess interest alone. This drains family income, causes sleepless nights and frequent family arguments. Credit card debt must be eliminated or at least reduced to restore a sense of peace and tranquillity to your home. Only then will you be stop being so depressed and be able to sleep peacefully. Credit cards and college students are something that some think is a bad idea and others think is good.

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I've seen people teaching online courses on tattooing, hula hooping, living in tiny homes and all sorts of other cool subjects. It's also common to think you need some sort of teaching qualification or to be an world renowned expert, but again this is simply not true. Some guy or girl sitting on the beach with their laptop in one hand and a cocktail in the other. It takes hard work. If you've got a full time job already, then you'll be spending a couple of hours each evening gradually building up your online course from scratch. As well as all the other aspects of your business associated with it. You'll learn how to stop trading your time for money, and your course could continue to generate income for years to come. Whether you want to eventually do it full time, or maintain your current career and simply use your online courses to make a bit of extra income on the side. Having an online course conveniently plugs into most existing business models too, offering another income stream or way to grow your audience. It's a great way to share your specialized skills, as well as generate additional leads for your business. In fact, some businesses give away courses for free just to generate valuable leads.

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One way or another, Scotland and Ireland will at some point leave, and the UK will become, at best, England and Wales, an uninteresting rump, with insufficient economic or political power to remain in the global organizations like the UN Security Council or the G8. A hard border, which is in nobodys interest will appear approximately along Hadrians wall. Ireland will re Unite. Scotland and Ireland will re join their historic partners, the Nordic nations, and continue to move towards their social democratic constitutions. England will be isolated in Europe, and more vulnerable. All of this can be read in our European History. It is mostly not a good outcome for anyone, except the few who live by playing markets and exploiting the world. The formerly rather right wing economic commentator Will Hutton recently wrote in The Observer a rather optimistic article in Hegelian mode, arguing that there would be a radical reaction led by young people to the present , ugly, inward looking, backward looking English nationalism and English exceptionalism that we, living outside England, witness so clearly. We must all hope that this reaction will come sooner rather than later,Brexit, and the corrupt political system promoting it, will have bad short medium and long term consequences for all, including our family and friends in England itself, not to mention the rest of Europe and the wider world. It will affect out children and grandchildren and great grandchildren. Most of them have no say in this decision.

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